Comet parameter: max_duplicate_proteins

  • This parameter defines the maximum number of proteins (identifiers/accessions) to report. If a peptide is present in 6 total protein sequences, there is one (first) reference protein and 5 additional duplicate proteins. This parameter controls how many of those 5 additional duplicate proteins are reported.
  • If "decoy_search = 2" is set to report separate target and decoy results, this parameter will be applied to the target and decoy outputs separately.
  • Valid values are any integer greater than or equal to 0.
  • If set to "-1", there will be no limit on the number of reported additional proteins.
  • The default value is "20" if this parameter is missing.

max_duplicate_proteins = 0    // one reference protein reported, no additional duplicates
max_duplicate_proteins = 10   // one reference protein reported along with ten additional duplicates